
Doing the Math with Paraeducators
Doing the Math with Paraeducators

Doing the Math with Paraeducators focuses on developing the confidence, mathematical knowledge, and teaching strategies of paras using classroom activities that they are expected to implement.

Meaningful Math: News Media for Increasing Adult Statistical Literacy
Meaningful Math: News Media for Increasing Adult Statistical Literacy

The Meaningful Math project studies and aims to improve the data, statistics, and numeracy supports for consumers of news media.

Milwaukee Master Teacher Partnership Evaluation
Milwaukee Master Teacher Partnership Evaluation

MMTP supports the improvement of STEM teaching and learning in a large, urban district, by providing experienced teachers with opportunities to earn micro-credentials as they acquire additional content knowledge for teaching, engage in classroom-based action research, and assume instructional leadership roles.

Evaluating the Developing Mathematical Ideas (DMI) Professional Development Program
Evaluating the Developing Mathematical Ideas (DMI) Professional Development Program

Developing Mathematical Ideas (DMI) is a widely-used elementary and middle grades (K–8) mathematics teacher professional development curriculum based on well-established principles of effective programs.

Levels of Conceptual Understanding of Statistics (LOCUS)
Levels of Conceptual Understanding of Statistics (LOCUS)

The LOCUS project used evidence-centered design (ECD) techniques to develop an assessment of conceptual understanding of statistics for middle and high school students and their teachers based on the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction of Statistics Education (GAISE) framework.