
Committed partners. Careful listeners. Thoughtful collaborators. Critical friends. 

With a focus solely on STEM education, SEEC’s evaluation and research build on ˿첥’s extensive experience developing and researching innovative curricula, technologies, and professional development programs. Our work is on the cutting edge of disciplinary, curricular, instructional, and methodological practices in STEM education. 

We recognize that the needs of our partners and clients are broad and varied, depending on factors like the nature and focus of a particular project and the stage of development of an idea or proposal. We commit ourselves to engaging with prospective clients and partners to understand what they are looking for, and we offer evaluation, research, and consultation targeted to their needs and to the requirements of particular projects and funders.  

SEEC researchers and evaluators all have experience working in various facets of STEM education. As a result, we can serve as critical friends to our clients: we provide thoughtful and relevant feedback based on our own expertise, while maintaining enough distance to identify assumptions and perspectives that might interfere with a rigorous evaluation. We listen carefully to clients, helping them think creatively and offering alternative views, to encourage a generative and collaborative relationship. Our staff often work in teams, adding availability and a diversity of perspectives to our work.  


The interactions with SEEC staff during the three year CLiPSE project were professional, supportive, and extremely helpful. Their insights about STEM education as a critical friend to the team helped to inform and guide the project in new directions as they asked questions that likely would not have otherwise been asked, challenging project leadership to thoroughly reflect on the project goals and foci to ensure the project met benchmarks and was competitive for follow-on funding. Additionally, SEEC staff were reliable and responsive to changing project needs and commitments.” 

– Karen McNeal, Professor, Department of Geosciences, Auburn University